Halloween can be a lot of fun, but it can also be a drain on your time resources if you lead a busy life. Your kids need costumes, your house needs decor, and you need time to do everything. We made it easier for you by finding some cool and creepy Halloween items you can use…without spending a lot of time getting into the spirit.
1. Gold Tone Grillz

Yeeeah boy. These Flava Flav-inspired teeth get you in costume without much work or running from store to store looking for a cool mask. They’re made from brass, coated with 14K gold tone plating, and they come with two silicone bars for easy molding. Your smile will light up the room. Or, at least, make everybody else smile.
Get Your Gold Grillz By Clicking Here.
2. Wicked Witch’s Legs

If you’re busy each day running everywhere under the rainbow, but you still want to get into the Halloween spirit, these feet are for you. They’re faux bejeweled ruby slippers on black and white striped tights – just like in the movie. Put the Wicked Witch of the East’s legs at the front of your house and, POOF! you’re ready for Halloween faster than you can say, “There’s no place like home.”
Don’t worry. They’re officially licensed. Click here to order.
3. Zombie Arms

Turn the entrance to your house into a zombie uprising. Each pair of zombie arms are actually pale, dead-looking hands attached to yard stakes and dressed in sleeves. One pair coming out of your front yard is creepy. Several pairs are downright unnerving, especially if planted in front of tombstones. (See next slide.)
Click here to learn more or to order.
4. Tombstones

Nothing says, “Halloween” like a yard full of tombstones. A cemetery in front of your house makes your family look fun. But if you don’t have time to create your own creative epitaphs, or even to go shopping, you can order pre-made stones and have them delivered to you. Just push them into the ground and you’re ready for Halloween.
Click here to order ready-made tombstones.
5. Spiderwebs

Turn the front of your house into a spooky Halloween adventure. In minutes, cover your home’s facade in eery, easy-to-apply imitation webbing. You can even bring some of the insect’s lair inside and fill a room or “decorate” your stairs with the silky stuff. It does not glow in the dark under blacklight, but it looks downright creepy.
Click here to learn more or to order.
6. Skeletons

The beauty of these bones is that they’re mobile, with your help of course, and can add “life” to your home’s interior or “death” to your outside holiday decor. You can order non-posable or posable skeletons and have fun putting them in strategic places. They’re sold in singles, but the more the merrier, right? Aim to order fully-assembled skeletons to save you time. Life’s too short.
Click here to learn more or to order.
7. Sidewalk Warning Signs

If you want to get into the Halloween spirit and invite Trick or Treaters to your door, align your sidewalk with scary signs. If you have the time between jobs and running your kids to soccer and dance practice, you can create your own funny warning signs. Otherwise, order some pre-made ones, plant them out front and then get back to work until Oct. 31.
Warning! Click here if you want to order or learn more.
8. Spooky Chandelier Kit

These glittering, creepy faces and creatures can turn any room into a hauntingly enchanted enclave. Hang them from your ceiling and let the skulls, bats, ravens and spiders dangle. This chandelier is elegantly creepy and really ideal if you are having a Halloween dinner party and want to impress your guests with your fine taste in horror decor.
9. Toilet Seat Screamer

This favorite is good for a laugh at Halloween parties. You can get different images, but this one in particular will give any party goer who scurries into your bathroom cause to react. The door will close and you’ll hear either a scream or a laugh as they get sight of the ghoul gripping its way out of the potty.
Click here to learn more or to order.
10. Snoozing Skeleton

It’s easy to set up a snoozing skeleton that snores and yawns when people make noise. (Then they make more noise when they realize the skeleton is “alive!”) It’s a fun addition or spooky sole attraction to a yard for approaching Trick or Treaters. It does require batteries and you can get one similar to the one pictured here by clicking below.
To learn more or to order a snoozing skeleton, click here.
11. Creepy Tree

Adding the tree face and arms to your tree will definitely get second glances from everybody who see it. The face can spook even the toughest among us. Simply tack it to the tree. The problem is the PVC material. It is quite flimsy, so a breeze will get it blowing. If you can spend a little time and find a way to support the arms, you’ll get a great outdoor decoration to add to your collection.
Click here to learn more or to order.
12. Creepy Hands

They’re sturdy. They’re creepy. They’re hands coming out of the wall! How can you go wrong? Used best indoors, these hands will send shivers down spines. The black fingernails make these grabbers seem like they’re straight out of the cemetery. They’re made of cold cast ceramic, hang quickly and are strong enough to hold Halloween apples and such.
To get your hands on a set of six, click here.
13. Boo Lights

These LED lights charge in the sun and turn on when the sun goes down. They’ll stay lit for eight to ten hours and you can choose steady brightness or one of seven different flash modes. Bring them inside to add cool fun to any room or leave them in your garden or yard for a colorful committee of 30 welcoming Trick or Treaters.
To learn more or to order, click here.
14. UV Blacklights

Blacklights make everything awesome. Hang them inside or hang them outside and set everything nearby aglow for a funhouse-like effect. Blacklights are available as single bulbs or in waterproof strips. For individual bulbs, just unscrew your current bulb emitting normal light and replace it with a blacklight. The strips cover more area and can even be cut to smaller sizes.
To order or to learn more, click here.
15. Donald Trump Mask

C’mon, don’t you secretly crave to be The Donald every now and again? Halloween is your opportunity to don the Donald mask without having to feel funny. You can wear it to greet Trick or Treaters and “fire” anybody in a lame costume. No work. No fuss. No muss. Simply put on the mask and enjoy the reactions you get.
[Featured Image Credit: goplugg.com]